I have felt like life has gotten too big and crazy to keep blogging the last few months, plus there is Brandon's blog that keeps everyone up to date on our life. But, I feel like I owe it to this blog to make a post. I guess whenever I log on I get too overwhelmed to post anything, feeling like I need to say something deep or profound, but I'm just not going to. Life is great, Brandon is great, we are happy.
I've been looking through old pictures thinking of memories. Here are a few to share with you. (Apparently they are in backwards chronological order)

One of my favorite things about going camping with Brandon is that his true woodsman comes out. Give him an ax and he'll be getting firewood all night.

Rex, Brett and Bran

Our honeymoon

Wedding day

The day I went through the temple

Painting our first place

The day we got engaged

The day I was sure he was going to propose... but waited another month


Brandon climbing

Building sandcastles with my niece

Chi O dance


Jackson Hole

Shooting range